Home » 80s Jackets- Vintage Jackets You Could Rock Today

80s Jackets- Vintage Jackets You Could Rock Today

by Mackenzie

The 80s were an era of change in the fashion world. Many trends and styles from the 70s continued on, but new looks and ideas were also incorporated into the decade.

Jacket styles in the 80s were very flashy, with many bright colors and patterns.

The decade saw a great deal of experimentation with new fabrics and materials, especially in sportswear. The 80s saw the rise of the iconic “jogging suit” in many different colors and styles.

The 80s were an era of very big jackets, as well, especially for men’s looks.

One of the most notable trends in the 80s was the popularity of denim jackets. Denim jackets were worn by both men and women in a variety of colors and styles, from casual to dressy.

The most popular styles of jackets for women include short bomber-type jackets (in leather or suede), quilted vests, peacoats, double-breasted pea coats, biker/moto jackets, and duster/poncho-style overcoats.

The 80s saw a continuation of the popularity of cropped and short jackets for women, as well as the trend toward longer shirts and tunics/blouses. The 80s was also a decade when women’s clothing began to be more form-fitting.

Denim Jackets

Denim jackets were still popular in the 80s, but they were not nearly as popular in the 90s. Denim jackets in the 80s ranged from very casual styles (such as carpenter’s jeans with patches) to fashion denim jackets with patches and bells & whistles. Other popular types of denim jackets included simple denim bomber-style jackets, and moto/biker/bomber-style denim jackets with plaid lining or denim patchwork quilted designs. Denim jackets in the 80s came in all colors, but they were especially popular in blue, black, gray, and white (with occasional red accents).

Denim jackets in the 80s were worn by both men and women, but they were especially popular for women. They were a staple of women’s looks in the 80s, and they made a huge comeback in the 2000s.

Quilted Vests

Quilted vests were very popular in the 80s, especially for casual looks. They came in many different colors and styles, from simple to very intricate quilting patterns. Quilted vests were worn by both men and women of all ages.

Fur Coats

Fur coats continued to be very popular during the 80s (as they were in the 70s). Some of the most popular furs for coats included mink (especially for younger women), fox fur (especially for younger women), seal fur, sable (especially for evening wear), and chinchilla (also especially for evening wear). Other types of fur coats included shearling sheepskin coats and caracul lamb coats (similar to shearling). However, most fur coats in this decade came with fake silk or fake fur lining, not real skins: even if you could afford a real fur coat, it was often not allowed at work.

The 80s also saw a trend toward longer fur coats. Most fur coats in the 80s came to the mid-thigh or above the knee, and many were floor-length (such as evening wear). This change from fur coats to floor-length furs was due to trends in women’s clothing becoming more form-fitting.

Bomber Jackets

One of the most popular jacket styles for men in the 80s, especially for casual looks, was the bomber jacket. These jackets were made from a variety of materials, including denim, leather, vinyl, and suede. They ranged from very casual styles (like carpenter’s blue jeans with patches) to very dressy styles that resembled flight jackets (with gold stud accents or quilted lining). Bomber jackets were worn by both men and women of all ages and in all manner of colors.

Bomber jackets continued to be very popular throughout the decade as well, especially for women. They were usually made from leather or vinyl and they came in a variety of styles (from casual to dressy).

Many of these jackets featured big shoulder pads and lapels/collars that were often accented with gold studs or other decorative features. Bomber jackets in this decade also came in a variety of colors: some featured accented zippers (such as gold), while others had shiny accents on them (like silk).

Many of these bomber-style jackets for women had two zippers per side, plus extra pockets in unusual places: one on the upper chest is most common, but they could also be found on the back, sleeves, or bottom hem.

Leather Jackets

Leather jackets continued to be very popular in the 80s as they had been in previous decades. Leather jackets for women became more form-fitting and shorter than they had been in previous decades, but they still came with big shoulder pads and big lapels/collars.

In the early 80s, leather jackets were very popular for young women, especially in biker/moto styles with silver studs. In the late 80s, a more relaxed version of the biker leather jacket was popular for women: these were made from denim or leather and they often featured plaid lining.

Men’s leather jackets in the 80s were also more form-fitting and shorter than they had been in previous decades. Most leather jackets for men in this decade also came with big shoulder pads and big lapels/collars. However, some leather jackets for men came with quilted lining or other decorative features (such as silver studs). Leather jackets in the 80s were worn by both men and women of all ages.

Leather bombers continued to be popular throughout the decade as well, especially for men. They were usually made from black or brown leather, but sometimes they were made from denim fabric or vinyl. These bombers featured very short sleeves and came with big shoulder pads and lapels/collars. They usually had two zippers on each side of the jacket (for extra ventilation), plus extra pockets in unusual places: one on the upper chest is very common, but they could also be found on the back, the sleeves, or the bottom hem.

Leather biker jackets were very popular for younger men in the 80s. They were usually made from black leather and they came with big shoulder pads and lapels/collars that were often accented with silver studs. They also had extra zippered pockets on the chest area: one on each side of the chest is most common, but they could also be found on the back and on the sleeves.

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