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80s Mullet – Can You Rock It?

by Julie

The mullet, a hairstyle worn by both men and women, was popular in the 80s. The mullet hairstyle is characterized by hair that is long in the front and short in the back. Men’s mullets are shorter than women’s. The mullet has a reputation as a low-class hairstyle for rednecks and other ignorant people. What many people fail to realize is that this hairstyle was also worn by many successful business people and athletes during the 80s.


Origin of the Mullet Hairstyle

The origin of the mullet hairstyle can be traced back to ancient times when Roman warriors wore their hair long in the back while leaving it short on the top of their head. This hairstyle was called “the horse mane”. Over time, this style became popular with farmers, especially those who worked with horses or cattle. It wasn’t until much later that this style became associated with ignorant people when American comedian Soupy Sales wore a horse mane wig as part of his comedy act.



Characteristics of the Mullet

A mullet haircut is for men or women who want an easy to care for hairstyle that allows them to look nice with little effort. A mullet is basically a long ponytail that hangs down the back of the head. This hairstyle is easy to maintain because you can just comb your hair in the back and let it hang down while you style your hair in the front. Women can also wear this style, but they will need to cut their hair short in the back.

The mullet is characterized by short, tapered sides with longer hair on top of the head. The top has a flat or diagonal part across it while long bangs cover one or both eyes. In men’s mullets, the top of hair is usually longer than it is in women’s mullets.


Hairstyles for Men and Women

There are many variations on this hairstyle, but here are three basic styles that most people recognize as a mullet:

The Military Style Mullet

The military style mullet is characterized by short sides with tapered or shaved hair. The top and back are long enough to comb into a ponytail that hangs down the back of the head. This is a popular hairstyle for men in the armed forces as well as police officers and other professions where a short haircut is required by law.



The Businessman Mullet

The businessman mullet has long hair on top, but it is styled neatly and neatly brushed back from the face. The sides are tapered short enough to allow the top to be combed backwards into a ponytail. This hairstyle was popular with businessmen and athletes during the 80s because it looked neat without requiring much effort on their part.


The Rock Star Style Mullet

This mullet has long hair in both the front and back, but it is styled so that it appears messy or unkempt. This style of mullet was worn by rock stars like Rod Stewart and David Bowie during this period. The rock star style also works well for men who have naturally wavy hair or curly hair that they want to wear loose. Women will need to cut their hair short in the back in order to achieve this look.



How to Get the Mullet Hairstyle

Men and women can get this hairstyle at any barbershop or hair salon. If you want a mullet that is longer in the back than it is in the front, ask your barber or stylist for a long layered haircut. The top of your hair should be cut so that it hangs down over one eye while the sides and back are cut short enough to allow it to be pulled into a ponytail. You can also go to any barbershop or hair salon and tell them that you want a mullet. They will know what you’re talking about because this hairstyle has been popular with men and women for many years.

When you get your mullet hairstyle, ask your stylist for tips on how to style it so that it will look messy or unkempt. You can wear it down or pull it back into a ponytail. If you want to wear your mullet in a ponytail, ask your stylist to cut the back of your hair long enough to reach the middle of your back.




The mullet is an easy hairstyle to maintain because you can just comb the top forward and let the rest hang down while styling the front of your hair. Longer mullets require more maintenance because they need to be brushed and combed regularly in order to keep them looking neat and tidy. Longer mullets also need more styling products like pomade or gel in order to tame them properly.



If you decide that you want to wear a mullet, ask your barber or stylist for advice on how best to style this hairstyle. You’ll probably end up having at least two different haircuts if you want a longer version of this hairstyle. It’s important that you make sure both sides are even with one another so that they don’t show when you wear your hair down. Ask your stylist for a layered cut if you want more volume in the top and the back.

The mullet is one of the easiest hairstyles to maintain because it requires little more than brushing and combing it regularly. If you want to keep your mullet looking neat and tidy, make sure that you use a good styling product like gel or pomade in order to tame the top of your hair.



The mullet is an easy to care for hairstyle that is popular with both men and women. There are three basic styles of this hairstyle: military style, businessman style, and rock star style. You can get a mullet at any barbershop or hair salon by telling them that you want a long layered haircut or by showing them a picture of what you want. You can also just tell them that you want a mullet if they don’t know what it is. This hairstyle looks best on people with wavy or curly hair because it will appear messy or unkempt otherwise.

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