Home » 80s Popular Magazines

80s Popular Magazines

by Kathy

During the 80s, there was a lot of interest in magazines about pop culture. There were different magazines for different types of people, whether they were teens or adults.

You can find trendy and cool covers of these magazines featuring popular TV shows and celebrities. Some of the most popular magazines in the 80s were:

Just Seventeen

In the 1980s and 90s, we had Just Seventeen on the shelves, and they promised that they could give us the deeds that every teen girl wants to know.

They published the magazine twice a week in order to alternate with Smash Hits. Just Seventeen was and still is one of the greatest women-focused teen magazines of all time.

Just 17 was a popular magazine that sold well in that market. It was published from October 1983 to April 2004. It was a weekly newspaper, and it continued to be a monthly newspaper in 1997 due to falling sales.

Tiger Beat

This is a famous magazine that is published in the United States and has been popular around the world since 1963. It is still being published even to this day, and it features boys and music, focusing on a teen audience. Nevertheless, its main concern has always been pop music and stardom.

From way back in the 1960s, Tiger Beat has become the leading source of the latest gossip and breaking news. The magazines also included photoshoots of teens, as well as articles on the latest trends, interviews, and videos. This magazine became a very popular magazine among teenage girls, because it included all sorts of interesting stuff.

Smash Hits

If ever there was a magazine that was incredibly addictive, it would have been Smash Hits. It was a legendary magazine for young people in the UK, showcasing the pop scene and journalism. Smash Hits was a popular music magazine that was aimed at young teens and pre-teens. Between 1978 and 2006, it was published regularly. However, it peaked in the 80s. The magazine format was more humorous and fun than other pop magazines.

While the magazines first launched in 1978, they enjoyed a great heyday in the 80s, with many trendy young adult and teen stars gracing the covers. There was a humorous and fun writing style in the book, and the stars who were displayed there were eccentric.

The Hit

One of the only magazines that was specifically aimed at men rather than women was The Hit, which first appeared in 1985. The cover of that issue had the frontman of The Jam, Paul Weller, posing on it.

The aim of this weekly music and lifestyle magazine was to highlight the best male musicians of that era. 

Top of the Pops

On today’s shop shelves you will find one magazine titled Top of the Pops. That was a magazine that was based on BBC’s legendary pop music programme. This magazine had its peak in the 1980s.

Top of the Pops magazine is widely known as the publication that allowed the Spice Girls to be known by the nicknames that they were given, such as Scary Spice and Sporty Spice.

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