Home » Pac Man Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Pac Man Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

by Jim H

The Original Name Was Puck Man

Designed To Appeal To Women

It Created A Hit Single


Popeye and Spinach Connection

Ms. Pac Man Was More Successful


Each Pac Man Ghost Uses Different Tactics

There are four ghosts in the game. Each one utilizes a separate tactic through Artificial Intelligence (AI). They also have names, both in Japanese and English. They are:

The Four Pac-Man Ghosts with their corresponding English and Japanese names.
The Four Pac-Man Ghosts with their corresponding English and Japanese names.

Related: Best Selling Atari 2600 Games

NAMCO Wanted the Ghosts To Be One Color

Nobody Has Beaten Level 256

It Still Generates Billions Of Dollars A Year

Google Changed Its Logo And It Cost Us Millions In Productivity

ate up 4,819,352 of “work” hours, or $120,483,800 in productivity.

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